
Moose Quest


The first printing is at the printer and is expected to be completed around August 20, 2022. There will be small quantities available. Order one now to receive yours right away.

Availability: 9 in stock

SKU: 1003 Categories: , Tags: , , , , ,

You must navigate your moose herd from the Great White Pasture along the tortuous trails, past rock slides, wolves, bears, raging rivers, hunters, volcanoes, semi-trailers, and other hazards in your way to be the first to reach the Green Pastures to the south. The lands you cross will add to your score. Your herd might grow or dwindle in number as you travel, but can your herd reach the Green Pastures with the highest score?

2-5 Players


Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5 × 1.5 in
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