Game design and some of the art is by Tom Wham. The game board / map was created by the late Laura Roslof (TSR employee in the early 80s). This is a simple and silly old-style game intended for publication in the Dragon Magazine, but was turned down. This printing of the game was originally meant to pay homage to Tom at Gary Con XII (the year that Tom Wham received the E. Gary Gygax Lifetime Achievement Award) by printing the game into the Gary Con Program Guide Book as the Dragon Magazine did with several other games by Tom. Numerous things went wrong and Gary Con wasn’t able to insert the game in the guide book. They switched to printing it as a separate game and providing it as a perk to VIG Badges. Then, unfortunately, the pandemic happened so that was the first year that Gary Con had to shut down their physical convention and moved to an all-virtual convention for two years. (The games did finally make it into VIG Badge Perks at GC XIV and were available for sale to anyone as a pickup item only that year…the remainder came back to Tom Wham Games and being made available here.)
The game is a progression of turns where players move from one Decision Point (red circle on the Player Map) to the next, occasionally gaining or losing treasures based on the Hazards & Rewards Chart (if they land in a named area) until they eventually find their way out the other side.
The map depicts the various tunnels, caves, and chambers that the players will encounter on their journey and the many Decision Points they will face along the way. Each of the Decision Points is surrounded by anywhere from 2 to 4 directional arrows that players will use to determine movement direction at the start of their turn. Players will occasionally land in “Named Areas,” at which time they consult the appropriate column in the Hazards & Rewards Chart to determine what happens. This continues until players finally make their way to the final chamber called “Place of the Old Ones” and manage to find The Way Out.