Join The Crew of the Znutar

(Financially Support Tom Wham Games)

We know there are those of you that simply have enjoyed Tom’s games and would love to support him and his endeavors financially so we’ve created a member support system. We very much appreciate those of you that choose to support in this way. There are several tiers of support to choose from – everything from simply making a one-time financial contribution to encourage continued development up to recurring subscriptions to our highest level where there are a limited number of openings for some unique and highly-desirable rewards. Choose the level that fits your pocketbook the best…and THANK YOU to each and every one of you.

If you’re not able to support Tom Wham Games financially, we would love for you to sign up for our free mailing list to receive announcements and posts.


Member Level 1


One-Time Contribution

We realize that money is tight and there are a lot of good causes and other places you could contribute to. You have our sincere thanks for your support and encouragement of our endeavors. We’ll continue to do our best to produce content and get more of Tom’s gems off those dusty shelves and available for purchase.

You’ll be placed on our mailing list to receive future announcements.


Member Level 2


Per Month

Previous Level Reward, PLUS:

Two 2.25″ Buttons with your choice of art (value $2.99 each)*

Access to private content on TWG Website

Voting Rights for what games get produced next

* On your anniversary; see details below.


Member Level 3


Per Month

Previous Level Rewards, PLUS:

Two Sm. Prints (8×8) with
your choice of art
(value $10 each)*

Invites to Private Live Seminars and Discussions

On Tom’s Birthday, receive a free Digital Gift

* On your anniversary; see details below.


Member Level 4


Per Month

Previous Level Rewards, PLUS:

Two Prints: Choose from 8×10 (value $12) or 12×12 (value $16)*

Galactic Credit (50% Discount towards any product)*

Play Online Games with Tom

* On your anniversary; see details below.

Bridge Crew

Member Level 5


Per Month

Previous Level Rewards, PLUS:

One Piece of Original TW Artwork*

Coffee Mug w/ your Original TW Artwork printed on the side*

Access to Private Games at
In-Person Gatherings

* On your anniversary; see details below.

There are only 10 Total Bridge Crew Available

We have a FULL Compliment of Bridge Crew right now, check back again later.

List of Rewards Received at each Level

$5 One-time
$2 / Month
$7 / Month
$15 / Month
$30 / Month
Our Sincere Thanks and you'll be placed on our mailing list to receive announcements and notifications of new thing happening with TWG. [We'll try not to abuse our access to your inbox with too many emails.]
Voting rights to help Tom and Dave determine which games to publish next
Access to private content on TWG Website – interviews, behind-the-scenes details, background stories of Tom and his creations. [Note: This content will be a work in progress to begin in earnest in early 2022.]
Two 2.25” Buttons with TW Artwork (value $2.99 each) - one every 6 months (continuous subscription required) or receive all pieces immediately with annual subscription (S&H fees still apply).
Invitation to all private online Seminars / Open Discussions that TWG sponsors.
Two Small Prints (8"x8") of TW Artwork (value $10 each) - one every 6 months (continuous subscription required) or receive both pieces immediately with annual subscription (S&H fees still apply).
In true Hobbit fashion of giving presents on their Birthdays, Tom will send a digital holiday greeting to all subscribers at this level and higher in the month of his birthday (August).
Access to opportunities to play online board games with Tom – occasionally it could be one of his games as they are available, but mostly other games he enjoys.
Receive one Galactic Credit on your anniversary (continuous subscription required) or immediately with annual subscription. One Credit is good for a 50% discount off any product in the TWG Store.
Two Large Prints (12"x12") of TW Artwork (value $16 each) - one every 6 months (continuous subscription required) or receive both pieces immediately with annual subscription (S&H fees still apply).
Access to private games while at conventions or other physical events.
A piece of Tom Wham Original Artwork; received on your TWG anniversary as a supporter (continuous support required).
A Coffee Mug imprinted with your Original Artwork.
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